I bet we could agree that American Mah Jongg could be a bit of a challenge to learn. However, once it clicks, it's smooth sailing. The bigger challenge is getting to know your card. Between the sections, the hands, the colors, what’s in parenthesis, it’s a lot to take in. And just when it starts to sink in, the league goes ahead and changes the card for a new one 1.
The good news is that the sections on the card remain mostly the same from year to year with just a few tweaks to the actual hands. In addition, you never have to memorize the card. However, the better you know it, the faster you’ll be able to make decisions, and the easier it will be to switch between hands.
Best of all, the back of the card has all the basic instructions, high level rules, definitions, and even how to go about doing the Charleston. So when in doubt, flip it over and check to see if the answers you need are already in your hands!

Today's blog is designed to help you read the card, with a glimpse on how to easily switch between hands. First and foremost, the best way to get to know the card is to actually play with it often, whether in person or online. Another suggestion would be to have a mahjong set in front of you and start forming each hand on the card. Take the time to study each hand and, its nuances in a relaxed atmosphere. Read what is in the parenthesis to better understand your flexibility or limitations with that hand.

All new players have that same expression when they first set eyes on their dealt tiles, the ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look. That’s why getting familiar with the sections (e.g., YEAR, 2468, CONSECUTIVE RUN) is crucial and what will set you on the right path from the get-go. Once you have enough tiles to start forming a specific hand, only then do you begin zeroing in on it, and only then should you consider picking up discards and exposing.
!! DO NOT be tempted to pick up discarded tiles and expose just because it makes a random pung or kong, pick it up because you are sure that you need it.
A little refresher; If a hand is marked in one color [blue] it’s made-up of one suit. Two to three colors on the same line means that the hand is made-up of multiple suits. I repeat, get to know the sections well, as that’s very important. As an example, 2468 is the even number section, 13579 is the odd, WINDS -DRAGONS will mostly use those specific tiles, etc.
Very important to note, the only flexibility you have lies in the following sections;
WINDS - DRAGONS and SINGLES & PAIRS (only 2 from each hand)
The rest of the sections need to be played AS IS using the tiles indicated. You'll notice the X & C at the end of the hand. X means that you can claim a discard. C means the hand is concealed [so no picking up discards the entire game, only if its to complete mahjong]. The value of the hand is indicated by the number at the end of the row, usually 25, 30 or 50 and is primarily used when betting or in tournaments.

Once you get to know the hands from repeated play, you will become an avid hand swapper. This means, that you will be able to easily switch between hands as either; a) Your hand changes directions and you can form a better hand using new tiles or b) your current hand becomes impossible to make. One perfect example lies in the consecutive run section. Looking at the 2023 card, notice that the first line requires two sets of pairs (11 222 3333 444 55) If those pairs become impossible to make, you can switch to the line just below it (111 2222 333 4444). It's a perfect swap, and you have the advantage to use as many jokers as you'd like.
When I’m aiming for the 2468 section and it just isn't happening for me, I like to switch to either the ANY LIKE NUMBERS or the ADDITION hands. Many of the same numbers are used for both. As you can see, getting to know the sections well means you can flip flop between hands without too much hesitation. The key to mastering mahjong lies in the ability to make wise decisions while always being open to change.
Now where is that card of yours? It's time to study!
1 The National Mah Jongg League year runs from April to April, with new cards being mailed end of March. If you’re looking to order your new card, be sure to place your orders anywhere between January and March to receive the new card in time.
For a visual explanation, I suggest watching this wonderful video on YouTube made by my dearest friend Michele Frizzell at Mahj Life.
Would you be interested in a 2-hour clinic on mastering the card?
Very Informative, thank you for sharing your knowledge!